

Looking for THENTIX in The US or beyond? Call us at 1 800 361 8723 or write to: and we’ll assist you with your THENTIX A Touch of Honey Skin Care...


Looking for THENTIX in The US or beyond? Call us at 1 800 361 8723 or write to: and we’ll assist you with your THENTIX A Touch of Honey Skin Care...

Kind words from a caring organization.

From: Cathie Mills Subject: Reference letter To Whom it may concern, Our organization provides programs and services to women living with cancer, and we are always looking for products that are helpful...

Kind words from a caring organization.

From: Cathie Mills Subject: Reference letter To Whom it may concern, Our organization provides programs and services to women living with cancer, and we are always looking for products that are helpful...

THENTIX is Paraben and Fragrance Free!

Pure Honey: Honey collected from bee hives without any heat or distillation processing.   Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice: Aloe barbadensis: A compound expressed from the leaf of the aloe plant, employed for...

THENTIX is Paraben and Fragrance Free!

Pure Honey: Honey collected from bee hives without any heat or distillation processing.   Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice: Aloe barbadensis: A compound expressed from the leaf of the aloe plant, employed for...

Buy Canadian – Buy with Confidence.

THENTIX  A TOUCH OF HONEY SKIN CONDITIONER:We’re making NEW CANADIANS a little more comfortable in their new home!  No one likes dry, itchy skin. Over the last few years, Select Marketing Canada...

Buy Canadian – Buy with Confidence.

THENTIX  A TOUCH OF HONEY SKIN CONDITIONER:We’re making NEW CANADIANS a little more comfortable in their new home!  No one likes dry, itchy skin. Over the last few years, Select Marketing Canada...